Which social networks do you support?

Currently Facebook, Twitter and Instagram are supported.

Based on our global statistics, most people will use facebook anyway, so adding more networks won’t affect your business much.

Also, many other social networks only have login options, so you may not benefit many of those if people are using other networks to log in.


Are Facebook "Likes" supported?

Facebook banned “Like Gates” after 30th of April, 2015. Here’s a brief statement / policy of this change, written by Facebook:

“You must not incentivize people to use social plugins or to like a Page. This includes offering rewards, or gating apps or app content based on whether or not a person has liked a Page. It remains acceptable to incentivize people to login to your app, checkin at a place or enter a promotion on your app’s Page. To ensure quality connections and help businesses reach the people who matter to them, we want people to like Pages because they want to connect and hear from the business, not because of artificial incentives. We believe this update will benefit people and advertisers alike.”

Basically Facebook wants users to like brand pages because they actually “like” them, not because they were promised some freebie or contest entry for doing it.

What this means is that you cannot force them to LIKE your page before you give them free Wi-Fi. However you can still ask them to LIKE your page after you gave them access to the hotspot. Therefore the LIKE button is displayed upon successful login.

We recommend to use Checkins/Wallposts as your audience will grow the same way. More check-ins and engagement with your Page will also improve how it ranks in search.

Are Facebook Checkins supported?

Yes. Checkins are automatically done when you post on users’ wall and the address of the business is configured correctly on the business’ page on Facebook. So you must post on users’ walls to do a checkin.

As Facebook domains has to be added to the whitelist, can people browse Facebook without authorization?

Basically, yes. Technically there is no other way. But Facebook has many content from outside (links, images, videos, etc) which will not be visible so it may seen that Facebook is broken. Also, when the user clicks on any link which leads to a domain name outside Facebook, the splash page will come up. So at the end people will get frustrated that they cannot use the internet the way they want, and will authenticate via Facebook. It’s free so they don’t take too much risk.

Other social networks, like Twitter don’t have this problem as they are using a different host for authentication functions and you can only allow that host, not the Twitter site.

How "LIKEs" are counted (when do you deduct social credits)?

Starting from May, 2015 we don’t count LIKEs and other social actions with our new Social package. Social actions are not limited. We only count the number of sessions (logins). If you are using the the skip by SMS or voucher methods, you need to have SMS/Voucher credits.

  • Skip with SMS: we will deduct 1 SMS credit for every SMS that was sent. For this option you need to buy SMS credits.
  • Skip with Vouchers: you need to buy Voucher credits to generate vouchers.


How can I verify if the checkin was completed?

For Facebook Checkins the following criteria must meet:

  • You need to have a corporate website with a physical address
  • Checkin option must be selected under Social Settings
  • The system will only do checkins once per 24 hours for the same user

In this case you can verify if a checkin completed by viewing the number of people who were in the place (on the right side of the Facebook page of the business) before and after the checkin. The counter will be increased by one.

Screen Shot 2017-02-17 at 10.01.22

Please note that Facebook’s own admin pages/apps only show normal checkins, they don’t list those that were created through the API, so you won’t see the checkins there (or get any notifications).

How can I buy more Social credits?

You can click on Buy More link from the Control Center > Manage > Locations > click on name > search for the ‘Access Meter’, the link will be there on the right.