Roaming between locations

By default, once users gain access they are able to log in to other location of yours (this is called “roaming”). This behavior can be overwritten in the following ways:

  1. You can isolate a location by turn roaming off. This means that in that location only those users are able to log in who get their access there.To turn roaming off, go to  Manage > Locations > click on name > Modify Hotspot Data & Settings > SPLASH PAGE SETTINGS > SET DEFAULT LIMITS > Allow Logins from your other Locations (Roaming) > Uncheck.
  2. You can create roaming groups from Manage > Location Groups > Check “Roaming group”. In this case you can isolate a group of locations. In these locations only those users will be able to log in who got their access in one of those locations.Let’s say you operate many locations and get an agreement with a hotel chain. You probably don’t want to allow access to those locations from outside, only between the chain members.


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