Router compatibility with DD-WRT and HotspotSystem

We can only recommend build 22118 or later (coovachilli based dd-wrt). Following versions are supported: mini_hotspot (broadcom_K26 non-nv60k , non-nv64k!), nokaid, standard, big or mega. Other versions (like mini or micro) don’t contain the hotspot module so they cannot be used for hotspot purposes.

First please check your router in the router database on Enter your router type into the search field (for example: ‘WRT54GL’ or ‘Nanostation’). Search result will appear under the search field. Click on the desired router type from the list. Then a new list appears, that tells you the installable firmwares from DD-WRT. You can also see if your router requires a special build like broadcom_K26, nv60k or nv64k builds.

Since DD-WRT’s router database is not perfect (and they are not updating it regurarly), to be compatible with DD-WRT, a router should be included in this list as well (with preferably a firmware version and at least 4 MB RAM indicated.)  In certain cases, with Broadcom based devices, you need at least 8 MB. Also, your router might be included only in the compatibility list and not in the Router database!

There can be also cases, when you can find your router’s firmware on the link below, and your router was not indicated compatible at all. Please check the firmware directories or contact us, if you’re unsure.

Search for the newest DD-WRT build

To start searching for builds, you need to navigate to Router Database > Other Downloads. Then click on “others” > “eko” > “Brainslayer-V24-preSP2″ > search the latest directory build.

a) If your device is not Broadcom chipset based, you can find it in the DD-WRT directory list by its exact name in its own directory. Watch for the different revisions. There’s a couple of certain details here to watch.

⁃ *factory*, *factory-to-ddwrt*  , *buffalo-to-ddwrt* , *to-ddwrt* are for upgrading from factory firmware,

⁃ *factory*NA* upgrading North America released factory firmware,

⁃ *webflash*.bin upgrading working DD-WRT firmware,

⁃ TRX, CHK, and other types of files are for upgrading factory firmwares. BIN files are for upgrading DD-WRT.

b) If your device is Broadcom chipset based, your directories are ‘broadcom’ or ‘broadcom_K26′, we do not recommend Broadcom based devices to use with the new V3x kernel firmwares yet, unless you’re having specific issues with K26 firmwares.



You have a TP-LINK WR741ND v4.x : it’s indicated in the list and in the router database and supported from DD-WRT build 18740. You need at least build 22118, so open the link and go to at least 22118.

Then you need to go to  tplink_tl-wr741ndv4  in the appearing directory structure,

and you can find the files you need:

You need to upload factory-to-ddwrt.bin , if your router is still running the factory firmware.

You need to upload tl-wr741ndv4-webflash.bin , if you have already upgraded to DD-WRT.

You need to follow our guide from this point on, if you’ve successfully flashed your router.


You have a CISCO-Linksys E3000. Fortunately you have an Installation guide as well at

It’s also shown, that this router operates on a V26 build, so you need files from the broadcom_K26 directory.

You can see from the DD-WRT router database, that this router uses NV60k builds so after initial flashing, you need to use these.

First, you need to upload dd-wrt.v24-xxxxx_NEWD-2_K2.6_mini-e3000.bin . If you have upgraded your router successfully, please reset it to factory defaults from Administration>Factory defaults.

If this has been done, you can use any NV60k builds from the broadcom_K26 directory. To have our Hotspot settings you need to use big or mega nv60k builds, since these require more RAM as the non-K26 broadcom builds. You can also use mega broadcom_K3X firmware(dd-wrt.v24-xxxxx_NEWD-2_K3.x_mega-e3000.bin), if you have some issues with the broadcom_K26 firmware.

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    1. Roland Kosarszky

      That one is tested and stable. There might be newer versions which can also work, however we cannot test all future versions.

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