White Label: use your own branding

You can remove hotspotsystem.com branding completely and use your own. This option is called “White Label”.

Here are the technical steps needed for the White Label setup. Please note that this is not a fully automated process, it requires manual configuration from us.

  1. You need to pay the White Label setup fee in the Control Center > Tools > Wi-Fi Shop. You need to pay this fee once and you can use it with all of your locations under your operator account. You may also need to pay for an extra IP address which costs $60/year which is needed for https (See step 2).  This is highly recommended as the registration page and the login pages has to be secured to ensure security. It is also mandatory if you are using Hotspot Free SOCIAL as we need to create your own Facebook app and Facebook requires to have https.
  2. You need to buy an SSL certificate. We strongly suggest to buy RapidSSL from Trustico because we made our system compatible with them. Other SSL certificate providers require additional configuration on the router. (in case of other ssl provider you need to whitelist their servers in the hotspot config)
  3. You need a host name which will be used to display Wi-Fi pages for customers. You should register a subdomain for this purpose (like wifi.yourdomain.com ) so you can keep other subdomains under your control. Don’t use www subdomain, choose something else.
  4. As we will still host the files, you will need to point this domain name to our server using cname. But first, you need to fill out the White Label form in the Control Center > Tools > White Label settings. If you are planning to use SSL you already need to have the certificate and you need to provide that information as well in the form. Once we configure your White Label setup we will assign a host for you which you will need to setup cname. This can take 2 business days.
  • The server address which you need to point your domain depends on the geographic location of the servier (you can choose this when you fill out the White Label form) and your decision of using secure pages or not.Technically, you need to set this:hotspot IN CNAME xxxxxxxx.hotspotsystem.com.Where xxxxxxxx will be provided by us.
  • When your domain name is properly set up, you need to configure your router so it will forward users to your domain name instead of ours. Related article: Use alternate servers for customer splash pages

If you are planning to use our Social service (Facebook or Twitter logins), then you are also required to create your own Facebook and Twitter apps.

After you have completed all the steps of your White Label configuration, you are free to edit the splash pages without restrictions. We change some things automatically for you, these are:

  • Copyright in the footer
  • Company name in User Agreement, Disclaimer, Privacy Policy (if you need to have your very own of these, you can freely edit under Manage > Skins).
  • You can remove all other references  (logos, header, text, etc) from the splash pages using the Skin Management in the Control Center.
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